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Pre-Vacation Home Checklist

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
Pre-Vacation Home Checklist

Are you ready to take off for that vacation you spent months planning? Your bags are packed, and your plane ticket is booked; but, is your home prepared for your departure?

While you are on summer holiday, so is your home! And, both require planning and preparation to ensure a safe return. To protect yourself from the shining summer sun you trust SPF 50, to protect your house from the rise in temperatures you can rely on A-TEMP. We are here to outline your home’s itinerary, for the time you are away, so you can achieve the carefree summer adventure you deserve. Just follow our pre-vacation checklist.

How to Prepare Your House For Your Summer Away:

  1. Unplug all small appliances

Heat-generating appliances such as coffee-makers, toasters, hair dryers, and other like-items are fire hazards. Make sure to unplug these items before leaving your home.

In addition to saving your home from an unexpected fire, unplugging your appliances protects against potential power surges. Power surges may occur due to unpredictable fluctuations in the flow of electricity in the grid. Simply unplugging your household electrical items prevents your appliances from breaking, or worse--catching fire while you’re away.

  1. Set your thermostat between 82 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit

There’s no point in cooling an empty house, so it’s best to raise the heat a few degrees while you’re away. Additionally, maintaining this temperature range within your residence will keep the air from producing condensation, which ensures the protection of any wooden furniture, floors, or fixtures.

  1. Close all of your windows and shut your blinds

Open, uncovered windows leave your home susceptible to sun exposure, which drastically raises temperatures within your residence. To maintain an even climate, remember to close all of your windows, pull your drapes shut, and close your blinds.

  1. Change your air filter

Changing your air filters will keep your HVAC system running smoothly while you’re away. Dirty air filters negatively affect both you and your HVAC system, as efficiency decreases but utility bills increase. We want you to avoid this double whammy! Have one of our certified professionals ensure your HVAC system is performing proficiently before your trip.

Trust the professionals of A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical to protect your home. Call us today at (503) 694-3396 or contact us online!
